How CBD Helps With Recovery

One often overlooked aspect of CBD’s use as a muscle-recovery aid!

Pre and Post Workout

CBD and Recovery

Initially, most people think about utilizing the muscle recovery properties of CBD as a post-workout supplement addition to their regimen. However, some have discovered that taking CBD before they hit the court, the gym, field, or pool gives a natural boost to their performance and improves concentration. This pre-workout dose also provides a base for their post-exercise CBD, if you choose to take some then as well. When you take your CBD pre-workout dose, make sure that you leave enough time for the compound to stimulate the native Cannabidiols in your system.

Another benefit of CBD related to muscle recovery is its impact on the endocannabinoid system: a major, regulatory network in the body that is always at work. By supporting the endocannabinoid system, high-quality, certified hemp CBD can help the body’s functions run more efficiently. Replenishing compounds in this system with CBD can help ensure immune function (anti-inflammation), metabolism, energy balance, concentration, coordination, and other important functions are balanced and fully supported.

When using CBD for post-workout, most people think of it as an anti-inflammatory that helps with muscle recovery. They’re right to think this, as CBD oil is believed to be one of the best anti-inflammatory supplements available on the market today. CBD allows muscles to heal quicker and get much stronger over traditional products.

One often overlooked aspect of CBD’s use as a muscle-recovery aid, however, is how it may help people sleep better at night, which is the optimal time for muscles to recover. While you sleep, the body produces Melatonin, which is a human growth hormone that helps facilitate muscle recovery. If you don’t get enough sleep because you can’t relax or due to post-workout pains, your muscles do not recover as fully.

CBD allows muscles to heal quicker and get much stronger than traditional products

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I use all of Urban Revival's products and I am so pleased with the quality of CBD and the different forms it comes in. Other products I had tried in the past seemed to have little to no effect, while these products actually make a difference.

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